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The 2024 KHC Summit on Quality will feature a virtual Storyboard Showcase. We invite you to submit your organization’s successful quality improvement projects to be part of the showcase. Your Storyboard should describe a quality improvement project started or completed in the past year. Attendees to the 2024 Summit on Quality will use a QR code to download and view storyboards that are part of the showcase in addition to viewing the storyboards during the showcase session at the Summit.

The 2024 Leadership in Quality Awards will be selected from Storyboard Showcase. Projects will be scored by a third-party organization. Two awards will be announced during the Summit:

Leadership in Quality Award: Hospitals with greater than 25 beds, Academic Hospitals or Teaching institutions, Large Hospitals, Residency Programs, FQHCs, Clinics with more than 15 or more providers

Small or Rural Leadership in Quality Award: Eligible applicants for this category are CAH Hospitals, Hospitals with 25 or fewer beds, RHCs, Small practices with fewer than 15 providers or small rural practices.

KHC is particularly interested in projects on the following topics, but we welcome Storyboards on other topics as well:

  • Establishing a culture of safety
  • Improving patient safety (reducing healthcare acquired conditions/infections, reducing preventable conditions, medication safety, risk reduction, etc.)
  • Improving care transitions (e.g., readmissions, reduction in fragmentation of care)
  • Population health improvement and collaborations with community
  • Reducing and Preventing Infections/Antimicrobial Stewardship
  • Managing Chronic Disease

Projects will be scored by a third-party organization, based on the following criteria:

  1. Was the aim of the project clear?
  2. Was the project well designed?
  3. Were the interventions clearly described?
  4. What were the results of the project?
  5. Did the project result in an improvement?
  6. How did these results impact the quality or safety of patient care in your organization as a result of this project?

We invite you to submit storyboards for the 2024 Storyboard Showcase by emailing an electronic storyboard file to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. KHC staff are available to help create the storyboard or help with data analysis for your project if you contact us by 6/27/24. You may use the KHC Storyboard Template (download available below), but you don’t have to use this template if you have another you prefer. Storyboards should be landscape orientation for optimal electronic viewing at the KHC Summit on Quality, August 8th.

Download KHC Leadership in Quality Storyboard Template Here

Submission Deadline: July 18th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.


Awards will be announced August 8th at the KHC Summit on Quality in Wichita.  Winners will be notified in advance and will be asked to attend the Summit to be recognized during the Leadership in Quality Awards Luncheon at the event.  Award winners will receive a monetary award as recognition for their achievement.

KHC reserves the right to make more than one award per category or to make no awards per category. For questions, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..