KDHE-KHC Learning Action Network

Basic Infection Prevention Learning Series
for the Ambulatory Care Setting

The statewide Learning Action Network (LAN) for the outpatient setting features basic infection prevention training for frontline health care workers and office staff. This collaborative conducted by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) in partnership with KHC features nine one-hour sessions focused on building knowledge and confidence in improving infection prevention practices. There is no cost to participate. Recordings of each session are available below.

The LAN is intended for Kansas ambulatory care settings to advance knowledge in infection prevention basics. The sessions are structured so that participants can understand and confidently apply the principles and protocols necessary to protect themselves, their facility, and patients from infectious disease threats

Session Recordings


Between-session homework assignments

Session #1 (Premiered Feb. 25, 2021)
Infection Prevention Program Development, Leadership, Policies, and Procedures

  • Define the purpose of the infection control program (IPC)
  • Identify the IPC core activities
  • Explain IPC policy and procedure development
  • Discuss purpose and process of IPC risk assessment development

Presentation video
→ Presentation handout (.pdf)

  1. Identify a risk assessment template that works for your facility and begin to fill it out.
    Samples can be found here [LINK].
  2. Watch for a communication about participating in a LIST-SERV® in support of our Learning Action Network.
  3. Ensure your e-calendars have your LAN events every other Thursday through June 17. 
  4. Invite your colleagues to participate.  Eight sessions remain!
    Here is the link to sign up for the LAN:

Session #2 (Premiered March 11)
Disease Reporting and Surveillance

  • Define disease reporting requirements for health professionals in Kansas
  • Identify reportable conditions, timeframe for reporting, and who to report to

Presentation video
Presentation handout (.pdf)
→ Tools and resources (.zip)

  1.  Distribute the Notifiable Disease List to appropriate staff or post them in easily accessible areas for staff to reference:
  2. Conduct the assessment of your outpatient facility found at the end of the CDC - Guide to Infection Prevention for Outpatient Settings: Minimum Expectations for Safe Care:
  3. Begin performing some observational audits and start creating your trending charts.  Access tools and resources here:  Tools and resources (.zip)

Session #3 (Premiered March 25, 2021)
Occupational Health

  • Name at least two basics of an Occupational Health program in an ambulatory healthcare setting
  • Recognize mandatory onboarding and regulatory requirements of new staff
  • Demonstrate how to develop Occupational Health Plans related to: bloodborne pathogens, tuberculosis, and respiratory protection
  • Practice data collection, reporting, utilize forms, and demonstrate documentation as it relates to Occupational Health
  • Recognize COVID-19 risks to healthcare workers
  • Identify perceptions and attitudes to COVID-19 vaccine

Presentation video
Presentation handout (.pdf)
→ Tools and resources (.zip)

  1.  Create a process to onboard new healthcare workers into your organization to include mandatory requirements per federal, state, OSHA and organizational standards.
  2. Develop a process map to initiate when a healthcare worker sustains a bloodborne pathogen exposure.
  3. Fill out the Facility Immunization Checklist to better determine in which ways your facility can improve the immunization rates among Healthcare Workers, including COVID-19 immunization rates.

Session #4 (Premiered April 8, 2021)
Personal Protective Equipment

  • Explain key concepts of standard precautions
  • Identify types of PPE and how they are used
  • Define transmission-based precautions and how they differ from standard precautions
  • Describe approaches to PPE training and competency
  • Explain the importance of PPE audits

Presentation video
Presentation handout (.pdf)

  1. Download and complete CDC Quick Observation Tool (QUOT) for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Supply Provision
  2. Begin monitoring PPE practices (eg, donning and doffing)
  3. Begin tracking adherence to PPE practices and share information with your staff

Before next session:

Session #5 (Premiered April 22, 2021)
Hand Hygiene

  • Explain hand hygiene and why it's important
  • Demonstrate proper HH techniques
  • Describe and identify common bacteria and transmission
  • Discuss auditing, signage, training, and compliance

Presentation video
Presentation handout (.pdf)
→ Tools and resources (.zip)

  1.  View the CDC Project Frontline Hand Hygiene Course (5-10 min.)
  2. Complete "Barriers or Excuses" worksheet and return copy to KHC by May 3
  3. Review the APIC Guide to Hand Hygiene program for Infection Prevention.
  4. Review hand hygiene auditing tools
  5. Develop a policy to consistently measure adherence to proper hand hygiene over time.

Session #6 (Premiered May 6, 2021)
Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection

  • Explain key concepts of environmental cleaning
  • Describe the difference between cleaning and disinfection
  • Identify best practices on evaluating cleaning and disinfection practices and impacts from the pandemic
  • Define indoor air quality (IAQ)
  • Describe issues that contribute to poor IAG and how HVAC systems can reduce spread of COVID-19

Presentation video
Presentation handout (.pdf)

  1.  Check out this resource from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):
    Best Practices for Environmental Cleaning in Healthcare Facilities:  in Resource-Limited Settings


Session #7 (Premiered May 20, 2021)
Device Reprocessing

  • Explore the fundamental role of IP in device reprocessing in the outpatient setting
  • Describe the role of the IP in identifying device reprocessing breaches
  • Review top 10 HLD strategies for success
  • Describe ways to facilitate safe sterilization in the outpatient setting

Presentation video
Presentation handout (.pdf)
Sample Risk Assessment template
Sample HLD Sterilization Hazard Assessment form

  1. Review these three resources:

    CDC HICPAC Guideline for Disinfection and sterilization in Healthcare Facilities (2008)

    HICPAC Sample Gap Analysis and Risk Assessment Tools: Reprocessing Flexible Endoscopes

    2021 Multi-society guideline on reprocessing flexible GI endoscopes and accessories (giejournal.org)

Session #8 (Premiered June 3, 2021)
Antimicrobial Stewardship

  • Review the state of antimicrobial stewardship in the clinic setting
  • Evidence in support of antimicrobial stewardship
  • Review the core elements of outpatient stewardship
  • Identify and strategize how to overcome some of the outpatient stewardship challenges

Presentation video recording
Presentation handout (.pdf)

  1. Review the KDHE CAH toolkit and other resources (see slide #45).
  2. Identify a next step to advance your antimicrobial stewardship program.
  3. Complete the Core Elements Survey by June 17 (approx. 7 min.)

Session #9 (Premiered June 17, 2021)

Bringing It All Together – Real life scenarios (55 min.)

  • Environmental rounds
  • Construction and renovation
  • Device reprocessing, and
  • Reportable diseases
  • Relate daily functions of an infection preventionist
  • Illustrate mitigation strategies in respone to practice gaps
  • Discuss importance of identifying, investigating and reporting possible exposures and suspected or confirmed communicable diseases

Presentation video recording (60 min.)
Presentation handout (pdf)
Tools and resources (zip)


Bed Bug Response in the Healthcare Setting (21 min.)
Bonus presentation handout (pdf)



  • Michele Clark, KHC Senior Director of Quality Initiatives & Special Projects, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or
  • Bryna Stacey, Program Director, KDHE Healthcare-Associated Infections & Antimicrobial Resistance, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

LAN faculty