Malea Hartvickson photo
Malea Hartvickson,MHCL, CPHQ
Executive Director
(316) 681-8208
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Treva Borcher
Treva Borcher
Director of Operations
(785) 231-1338
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Eric CookWiens
Eric Cook-Wiens, MPH, CPHQ
Data and Measurement Director
(785) 231-1324
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Jill Daughhetee Jill Daughhetee, CMPE, CRHCP
Dir. of Education and Comms
(785) 231-1335
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Azucena Gonzalez
Azucena Gonzalez, BA
Health Care Quality Data Analyst
(785) 231-1330
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Mandy Johnson
Mandy Johnson, MBA
Program Director of Quality Initiatives
(316) 681-8200
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Erin McGuire
Erin McGuire
Quality Improvement Advisor
(785) 231-1333
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Jenni Peters
Jenni Peters
Quality Improvement Advisor
(785) 231-1328
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Julia PyleJulia Pyle, MSN, RN
Quality Improvement Advisor
(785) 231-1332
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Patty Thomsen
Patty Thomsen,

Quality Improvement Advisor
(785) 231-1331
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Liz WarmanLiz Warman, MPAS, PA-C, MT
Quality Improvement Advisor
(785) 231-1334
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Liz WarmanRebecca Wagner, MPH
Grants Coordinator
(785) 231-1321
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