Building Vaccine Confidence Initiative
The Kansas Healthcare Collaborative (KHC), in partnership with the Kansas Hospital Association (KHA) with funding through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), is making resources available for hospitals, providers, and communities to collaborate and promote vaccine confidence and acceptance for all persons across the state of Kansas.

KDHE Vaccine Resources
Vaccines for Children Program Resource Page and Regional Contact info
2022 Immunizations Toolkit - Help raise awareness about childhood immunizations in Kansas through social media, website and print media. Materials can be customized.
Kansas Immunization Program Resource Guide
Immunize Kansas Coalition Vaccine Resources
Shutting the Door on HPV Cancers
This module will detail the burden of influenza disease, explore Kansas' immunization rates, and dive into recommended methods for increasing immunization rates in your office. You'll also practice giving patients succinct and accurate answers to some common flu vaccine questions.
Vaccine Fears overturned by facts
Vaccines are lifesaving. Vaccine misinformation can instill fear that prevents people from getting this crucial component of health care. Click the link for downloads, posters, and fact sheets to address common vaccine myths. (Available in English and Spanish)
CDC Vaccine Resources
Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule
Download the PneumoRecs VaxAdvisor Mobile App for Vaccine Providers
Download the “CDC Vaccine Schedules” App
It’s free! Compatible with iOS and Android devices. Provides recommended immunization schedules for all ages.
CDC Info On-Demand
Order hard copies of immunization schedules and have the shipped directly to your practice for free.
Recommended Covid-19 vaccines for immunocompromised
Interim Covid 19 Immunization Schedule 6 months and older
Be Immune Kansas Resources
Free Online Immunization Assessments
Utilize these free online assessment to get your personalized results. Which immunizations do you need? Two different assessments are available depending on the age of the child:
For Children Ages Birth to 18
For Adults Ages 19 years and Older
Immunization Resources for Individuals and Families
Resources include:
- Educational videos featuring Kansas physicians discussing the importance of immunization to prevent potentially serious illnesses such as influenza, chicken pox, whooping cough and more.
- Answers to common immunization concerns and questions