Clinic Leader Lunch and Learn Bootcamp Series
KHC and partner organizations will facilitate an educational series for new clinic leaders or current leaders who wish to increase their knowledge and network with other Kansas leaders. Session will cover topics such as CMS QPP, KHC Technical Assistance, RHC Basics, RHC Survey Preparedness, Loss Prevention Coverage and Claims, Human Resources, Infection Prevention and Control, HIT and other helpful topics.
Quality Improvement Mini-Grants
Participants in the Lunch and Learn Bootcamp will be eligible to apply for mini-grants to support innovative projects such as Population Health Technology, Patient Self-Monitoring for Chronic Disease (Heart Failure and High BP), MAT Waiver Training for Providers, Community Health Worker, Chronic Care Management, Suicide Prevention, Diabetes Management, Care Transitions including use of HIE/KHIN, Substance Abuse Disorder Overdose Prevention and pandemic response. Allowable Expenses may include but are not limited to Training, Staff Time, Supplies and Materials, Medical Equipment including DME for Self-Monitoring and software/IT.
KHC CAP Program services are provided to qualifying clinics at no cost through generous grant funding from the KAMMCO Foundation.
For more information, contact your KHC Quality Improvement Advisor or:
(785) 235-0763
→ KAMMCO_Physician_Initiative_Flyer_PDF_FINAL_REVISED_2023_08_14.pdf (PDF)