IKC Education ModulesThe Immunize Kansas Coalition (IKC) has launched no-cost education modules to help health care providers and their teams communicate the importance of HPV and flu vaccination to patients. CME and CNE is available for each of these two education modules.

IKC is also availing promotional resources and encouraging peer organizations to share them with with staff and their partner organizations via email and social media, including a flyer, sample email for partners, sample social media posts.

For more information, visit the IKC website.

HPV Education ModuleShutting the Door on HPV Cancers

Estimated time to complete: 25-30 minutes
Audience: Health care providers and teams
Free CME and CNE is available for this education module

After taking this module you will be able to:

  • Explain why HPV vaccine is important enough to be routinely recommended for young people (i.e., HPV cancer prevention).
  • Give an HPV vaccination recommendation that is effective and succinct using the same way, same day approach to the introduction of HPV vaccine.
  • Answer the most frequently asked questions about HPV vaccine accurately and succinctly.

→ View full module information and log-in information


IKC Preventing Flu Module

Preventing Flu

Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes
Audience: Healthcare Providers and Teams
Free CME and CNE is available for this education module

In this module we'll detail the burden of influenza disease, explore Kansas' immunization rates, and dive into recommended methods for increasing immunization rates in your office. You'll also practice giving patients succinct and accurate answers to some common flu vaccine questions.

 → View full module information and log-in information