Four hospitals and one individual were recognized for their leadership and achievement in quality improvement and patient safety initiatives by the Kansas Healthcare Collaborative (KHC). The awards were presented at the organization’s annual educational event, Summit on Quality, Friday, October 17. The 2014 Leadership in Quality Awards celebrate the successful efforts of Kansas hospitals to improve the quality, safety and value of health care for Kansas patients.

The awards were presented by Kendra Tinsley, executive director of the Kansas Healthcare Collaborative. “This award is about celebrating the positives in Kansas health care,” said Tinsley. “Although, today we recognize only a small few, we know there are many more success stories to celebrate in Kansas health care that are worthy of awards. We applaud your dedication and commitment to patient safety.” Award category and recipients are:

Leadership in a Hospital Setting

  • Hays Medical Center was recognized for its development of a well-planned and executed continuum of care for patients with symptoms of heart attack or stroke. The two-year quality improvement initiative was led by the Cardiovascular/Stroke Team that included 46 members. (Link to photo and more information about this nominee.)

Leadership in an Ambulatory Setting

  • The Kansas Academy of Family Physicians received recognition for its Kansas Patient-Centered Medical Home initiative, a three-year project focused on improving health care across the state of Kansas. The pilot project included eight family practices that transformed their primary care delivery and achieved the twin goals of improving quality of care and reducing cost. (Link to photo and more information about this nominee.)
  • Teri Banman, University of Kansas Cancer Center was recognized for development and coordination of the nurse navigator program at the The University of Kansas Cancer Center. Her work resulted in improved timeliness of care, better coordinated care, and improved culture through increased communication and collaboration. (Link to photo and more information about this nominee.)

Leadership in a Quality Improvement Hospital Team

  • Joint Replacement Team, The University of Kansas Hospital was recognized for implementing Lean performance improvement tools to improve length of stay, readmission rates, and patient satisfaction in the care for hip and knee arthroplasty patients. Significant improvement was reported in readmission rates as well as patient satisfaction rates. (Link to photo and more information about this nominee.)

Achievement in Care Transitions that Address Readmissions

  • Community Cares and the Transitions Clinic of Via Christi Hospitals received recognition for the success of an inter-professional team that produced two person-centered and highly innovative programs focused on high risk patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The hands-on service resulted in reductions in emergency department visits and readmissions. (Link to photo and more information about this nominee.)

KHC created the Leadership In Quality Awards program to honor patient safety champions across Kansas. Hospitals and medical professionals throughout the state were invited to nominate individuals or teams in six categories: Leadership in a Hospital Setting, Leadership in an Ambulatory Setting, Leadership in a Quality Improvement Hospital Setting; Achievement in Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infections or Hospital-Acquired Conditions; Achievement in Care Transitions that Address Readmissions; and Achievement in Improving Culture of Safety. The nomination deadline for next year will be announced in mid-2015, and the awards will be presented at the Summit on Quality, October 16, 2015.

The Kansas Healthcare Collaborative (KHC) is a 501(c)3 provider-led organization dedicated to transforming health care through patient-centered initiatives that improve quality, safety and value. Founded in 2008 by the Kansas Hospital Association and the Kansas Medical Society, KHC embodies the commitment of two of the state's leading health care provider groups to act as a resource and continually enhance care provided to Kansans.

October 28, 2014