“My personal experience with KHC has been instrumental in changing the way we do things here. Through the camaraderie and sharing of ideas and information for making changes we have achieved a team that is always ready to rise to any challenge that is put before us.
Because we are a very small CAH, we need help with designing programs that impact patient care, family involvement and nurse and physician participation, we have found a wonderful resource in KHC. I have called or sent emails whenever we have something that we want to work on.
For example, we decided that we wanted to include some of the ideas from the Sepsis Campaign at our hospital. We do not have joint or abdominal surgeries, but we do have an attached Long Term Care unit with a very vulnerable population. We initiated that Sepsis Bundle in the ER and the LTCU to help recognize the signs and symptoms for early diagnosis and treatment of Sepsis. This is only one example of the many ways that we rely on the resources from KHC to make valuable changes that impact the lives of our patients, their families, and our staff every day.”
- Beverly Myers, RN, Quality Improvement/Risk Manager
Satanta District Hospital
Satanta, Kansas