→ View education archive by date
Advance Care PlanningAdverse Drug EventsAge-Friendly Health CareAntimicrobial StewardshipCulture of SafetyDataElectronic Case ReportingFall PreventionHand HygieneHealth Equity/Disparities |
Integrated Care/Behavioral HealthKHC Office HoursOpioidsPatient and Family EngagementPressure InjuriesProject ManagementRadiologyReadmissionsSepsisWorkplace Violence |
Advance Care Planning
- Advance Care Planning I (9/23/2020)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout - Advance Care Planning II (1/27/2021)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout - Advance Care Planning III (3/24/2021)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout
Adverse Drug Events
- K-TRACS: Kansas' Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (7/22/2020)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout - KHC Anticoagulation Safety Mini-Sprint (2/4/2020)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout | INR Discovery Tool (fillable pdf) - Anticoagulation Safety: Avoiding High INRs -- What's the Secret? (12/18/2019)
Featuring hospital sharing by Newton Medical Center
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #18) | INR Discovery Tool (fillable pdf) - Hypoglycemic Management: Diabetes Care in the Hospital -- Implementing ADA's Top 10 List (5/22/2019)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #17)
Age-Friendly Health Care
- Age-Friendly Health Initiative and the 4M Framework (9/25/2019)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #24)
Antimicrobial Stewardship
Session # 3 - KHC KDHE NHSN AUR Surveillance Measure under the CMS PI Program (6/18/24) | Webinar Recording | Medici_by_Harris_OnPoint-KHC_KDHE_Webinar-2024-0618.pdf
Session #2 - KHC KDHE NHSN AUR Surveillance Measure under the CMS PI Program (6/4/24) Webinar Recording | PipelineRX Special Pricing Info (pdf) | PipelineRX Reporting Summary (pdf)
Session #1 - KHC KDHE NHSN AUR Surveillance Measure under the CMS PI Program (5/21/24) Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) | Q&A Document (pdf)
- KHC Office Hours for Clinics - Project Firstline Infection Prevention and Control Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) 10/25/23
Syndromic Antimicrobial Stewardship: Focused Antibiotic Stewardship Initiatives Directed Towards Shorter Courses and Reducing Prophylactic Antimicrobial Use (8/2/23)Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf)
Syndromic Antimicrobial Stewardship: Focused Antibiotic Stewardship Initiatives Directed Towards Sepsis (7/12/23)Webinar Recording| Handouts (pdf)
Syndromic Antimicrobial Stewardship: Focused Antibiotic Stewardship Initiatives for Upper and Lower Respiratory Infections (6/7/23)Webinar Recording| Handouts (pdf)
- Syndromic Antimicrobial Stewardship: Focused Antibiotic Stewardship Initiatives for Wounds, Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (5/3/23)
Webinar Recording| Handouts (pdf) -
Sydromic Antimicrobial Stewardship: Focused Initiatives for the Prevention and Treatment of UTI (4/5/23
Webinar Recording| Handouts (pdf) | Framing Messaging (pdf) | GU Symptom Pad (pdf)
Antibiotic Use and Resistance in Kansas: MIght we be doing more harm than good? (11/17/2022)
Webinar Recording | Handouts - Antibiotic Stewardship: Practical Implementation for Kansas Hospitals — Session #4 (7/7/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) - Antibiotic Stewardship: Practical Implementation for Kansas Hospitals — Session #3 (6/2/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar breakout session on the basics | Webinar handout (pdf) - Antibiotic Stewardship: Practical Implementation for Kansas Hospitals — Session #2 (5/5/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) - Antibiotic Stewardship: Practical Implementation for Kansas Hospitals — Session #1 (4/7/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) - KHC Office Hours: Antibiotic Stewardship -- Practical Implementation for Kansas Facilities (11/24/2021)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) (topic begins on slide #4) - Antimicrobial Stewardship in Kansas -- Part 1 of 2: Statewide Hospital Progress (10/23/2019)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins on slide #4) - Antimicrobial Stewardship in Kansas -- Part 2 of 2: Hospital Sharing (11/20/2019)
Featuring Osborne County Memorial Hospital, AdventHealth Ottawa, and The University of Kansas Health System, Kansas City
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins on slide #21) - Kansas Workshop for Hospital Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs (5/15/2018)
Link to workshop video recordings, handouts, resources and case studies - KDHE Antimicrobial Stewardship Overview (10/25/2017)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins on slide #27)
Culture of Safety
- Collaborative Just Culture Webinar - Flipping the Iceberg: Seeing, Understanding, and Managing Risk: An Evidence-Producing Standard | Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) |
- High Reliability Organizing: A High Priority for Hospitals (7/24/24) | Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) | ARHQ Survey 2.0 Users Guide (pdf) | SOPS Hospital Survey 2.0 (pdf)
Bringing Fun to Patient Safety (4/24/2019) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #9)
- Transforming Cultures for Safety (8/2/2017)
Regional webinar by South Central HIINergy Partners
Webinar recording unavailable | Webinar handout | Bedside shift report tools (pdf) - Spotlight on Leadership in Quality (8/2/2017)
Featuring Coffeyville Regional Medical Center, a recipient of the 2017 Leadership in Quality Award of Merit
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #14) - The UP Campaign: UP Your Game with HIIN with a focus on Get UP (3/22/2017)
Regional webinar by South Central HIINergy Partners
Featuring Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital, St. Louis, MO
Webinar recording unavailable | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #11) - The Power of Storytelling (2/27/2017)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #16) - Getting Started in HIIN (1/25/2017)
Regional webinar by South Central HIINergy Partners
Featuring Jefferson Regional Medical Center, Pine Bluff, AR
Webinar recording unavailable | Webinar handout (topic on slides #19-28)
- KHC Office Hours: Deep Dive Into KHIN (3/23/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) - Reducing burden - Measures to be removed from HEN 1.0, HEN 2.0 and HIIN measure sets in QHi (6/26/2019)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #11) | QHi Memorandum - Bringing the Board to Quality (5/23/2018)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #30) - Introducing the HRET HIINprovement Calculator, Connecting Patient Safety Initiatives with Prevention of Harms and Cost (4/26/2017)
Featuring hospital sharing by Labette Health, Morris County Hospital and Satanta District Hospital
Transcript | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #10)
Electronic Case Reporting
Electronic Case Reporting 101 (8/4/2021)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout
Fall Prevention
- KHC Office Hours: Focus on Fall Prevention (8/25/2021)
Featuring Southwest Medical Center, Liberal, KS
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) | Hospital Spotlight - How Osborne County Memorial Hospital dramatically reduced patient falls from 2018 to 2019 (1/22/2020)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins on slide #38) | Success Story - KHC Falls Prevention Sprint Summary and Hospital Sharing (3/27/2019)
Featuring LMH Health, Lawrence, and Coffey County Hospital, Burlington, KS
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #6) | P.I. Discovery Tool for Falls (xlsx) - KHC Falls Prevention Sprint
Session 1: Sprint Kick-off (10/24/2018)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #21) | P.I. Discovery Tool for Falls (xlsx)
Session 2: Developing an aim statement, Top 10 checklist, conducting bedside observations (11/30/2018)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout | Falls change package | Project template (ppt)
Session 3: Validating patient/family understanding, conducting bedside hand-offs (12/13/2018)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout
Session 4: Post-fall huddles (1/24/2019)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout
Session 5: Additional strategies and resources for preventing falls with injury (2/28/2019)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout
Session 6: Sustainability, sharing of hospital project summaries (3/21/2019)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout - Post-fall Management: Getting to types of falls, repeat falls and determining preventability (3/28/2018)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins on slide #20) | Post-fall huddle and injury huddle form (doc) | Revised post-fall huddle and injury huddle process - A fresh look at fall injury prevention (12/20/2017)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins on slide #50)
Featuring hospital reaction panel: Hutchinson Regional Health Center and Satanta District Hospital
Hand Hygiene
- Hand Hygiene: Spotlight on Success (3/25/2020)
Including hospital presentations by Community Healthcare System, Inc., Onaga, and Ness County Hospital District #1, Ness City, KS
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #4) - Visit the KHC Hand Hygiene Collaborative (cohort 2) education archive and other hand hygiene resources
Health Equity/Disparities
KHC KFMC Addressing SDOH in Rural Kansas Communities (4/30/24) Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) | KHA KHC Regs RE HE SDOH 2024 Jan (pdf) | SDOH in Rural Q&A (pdf)
KHC Office Hours for HQIC Hospitals - It's All About Data Part II - Applying HEOA Concepts 5/24/23
- Operationalizing Health Equity Practices, with Kellie Goodson, Part 3 of 3 (10/26/2022)
Webinar recording | Handout - Operationalizing Health Equity Practices, with Kellie Goodson, Part 2 of 3 (9/28/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) | REAL Data Stratification template | "Understanding Health Equity through Data Disaggregation" - Operationalizing Health Equity Practices, with Kellie Goodson, Part 1 of 3 (8/24/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout | Homework spreadheet - Journey to Health Equity (2/27/2019)
Including hospital presentations by Anderson County Hospital and Phillips County Hospital
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #7) | Equity of Care Toolkit - The Next Frontier: Health Care Disparities (9/27/2017)
Regional webinar by South Central HIINergy Partners
Featuring Kearny County Hospital, Lakin, Kansas
Webinar recording not available | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #17)
Integrated Care/Behavioral Health
- KHC Office Hours: Strategies for Effective Care Coordination (2/23/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) | Community Care Pathway Mapping Tool (xlsx)
KHC Office Hours Series
- KHC Office Hours - Journey to Success: Best Practies for Hypertension Control (2/26/25) | Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) |
- KHC Office Hours - The AHA's Target Diabetes Program (1/22/25) | Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) |
- KHC Office Hours - What's New with KHC's Quality Improvement initiatives and Applying Area-based Measures Data in Your Improvement Efforts (10/23/24) | Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) | KHC Program Overview Fall 2024 (pdf) |
- KHC Office Hours - High Reliability Organizing: A High Priority for Hospitals (7/24/24) | Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) | ARHQ Survey 2.0 Users Guide (pdf) | SOPS Hospital Survey 2.0 (pdf)
- KHC Office Hours Advanced Directives are for the Living – Improving Workflows in Your Organization (6/26/24) | Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf)
KHC Office Hours - Applying High Reliability Concepts in CAHs (5/22/24)Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf)
KHC Office Hours - Health Care Apprenticeship as a Workforce Strategy (4/24/24) Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) | Health Care Apprenticeship Fact Sheet (pdf)
KHC Office Hours - Sepsis Abstraction - How do you measure up? (3/27/24) Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) | ED Sepsis Checklist (pdf)
KHC Office Hours - The Kansas Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility Program (2/28/24) Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) | PE Statement of Interest Form (pdf)
Updates on Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Designations Featuring KDHE’s Office of Primary Care & Rural Health (2/15/24) | Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) | Navigating Rural Health Flyer (pdf) | RHIG Flyer (pdf) | HPSAs Proposed for Withdrawl (Excel)
KHC Office Hours - HQIC Priorities to Improve Star Ratings in 2024 (1/24/24) Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) | HQIC Data Portal User Manual (pdf)
- USAAW Week - The Other Side of Stewardship: Antibiotic Roots in the Midwest (11/15/23) Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf)
- KHC Office Hours for Clinics - Project Firstline Infection Prevention and Control Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) (10/25/23)
- KHC Office Hours for HQIC Hospitals - Coding for Sepsis and Beyond (9/27/23) Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf) E&M Matrices Sepsis | Sepsis Documentation Template
- KHC Office Hours for HQIC Hospitals (7/26/23) Webinar Recording | Handouts | Post Fall Audit Tool | Post Fall Huddle Tool
- KHC Office Hours for Clinics - Improving Cardiac Outcomes through Cardiac Rehabiliation Programs (6/28/23) Webinar Recording| Handouts (pdf)
- KHC Office Hours for HQIC Hospitals - It's All About Data Part II - Applying HEOA Concepts (5/24/23) Webinar Recording| Handouts
- KHC Office Hours for Clinics: Vaccine Needs in Kansas - A Call to Action (4/26/23) Webinar Recording | Handouts
- KHC Office Hours for Hospitals: It's All about the Data (3/22/2023) Webinar Recording | Handouts
KHC Office Hours for Clinics: Kansas Quitline - Resources and No-cost Opportunities for Your Patients (2/22/2023)Webinar Webinar Recording | Handouts (pdf)
- KHC Office Hours for HQIC Hospitals: What's New in HQIC for 2023? (1/25/2023) Webinar Recording | Handouts
Operationalizing Health Equity Practices, with Kellie Goodson, Part 3 of 3 (10/26/2022) Webinar recording | Handout
Operationalizing Health Equity Practices, with Kellie Goodson, Part 2 of 3 (9/28/2022) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) | REAL Data Stratification template | "Understanding Health Equity through Data Disaggregation"
Operationalizing Health Equity Practices, with Kellie Goodson, Part 1 of 3 (8/24/2022) Webinar recording | Webinar handout | Homework spreadheet
KHC Office Hours: Sepsis — Reaching and Engaging Physicians, with Dr. Steven Simpson (6/22/2022) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) | Webinar resource (pdf)
Antibiotic Stewardship: Practical Implementation for Kansas Hospitals — Session #3 (6/2/2022) Webinar recording | Webinar breakout session on the basics | Webinar handout (pdf)
KHC Office Hours: Hospital sharing on improving sepsis bundle compliance (5/25/2022) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf)
Antibiotic Stewardship: Practical Implementation for Kansas Hospitals — Session #2 (5/5/2022) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf)
KHC Office Hours: Improving Care of the Sepsis Patient throughPatient and Family Engagement (4/27/2022) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf)
KHC Office Hours: Deep Dive Into KHIN (3/23/2022) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf)
KHC Office Hours: Strategies for Effective Care Coordination (2/23/2022) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) | Community Care Pathway Mapping Tool (xlsx)
KHC Office Hours: Creating a Bright Spot: Collaboration across the Continuum (1/26/2022) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf)
KHC Office Hours: Antibiotic Stewardship -- Practical Implementation for Kansas Facilities — Session #1 (11/24/2021) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) (topic begins slide #4)
KHC Office Hours: Hospital Strategies to Reduce Opioid Misuse (10/27/2021) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) | Additional handouts (zip)
KHC Office Hours: Beyond the Sepsis Bundles (9/22/2021) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf)
KHC Office Hours: Focus on Fall Prevention (8/25/2021) Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) | Hospital Spotlight
Compass HQIC Program Update (7/28/2021) Webinar recording (60 min.) | Webinar handout (pdf) | Additional handouts (zip)
- KHC Office Hours: Hospital Strategies to Reduce Opioid Misuse (10/27/2021)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) | Additional handouts (zip)
Patient and Family Engagement
KHC PFAC Orientation Video Series Playlist for Patient and Family Advisors - This playlist is part of a four-part training series designed for use by hospitals as part of a comprehensive training and orientation program for patient and family advisors.
Video #1: PFAs and the Changing Culture of Healthcare
Video #2: Partnering Across the Organization
Video #3: Communicating Effectively as a PFA
Video #4 Effectively Sharing Your Story
- Improving Care of the Sepsis Patient throughPatient and Family Engagement (4/27/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) - Don't forget your PFAC: Strategies for engaging PFAs during times of pandemic (6/24/2020)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #13) - PFE - Beyond the Metrics: Implementing PFE Strategies that Improve Quality and Safety (7/24/2019)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #22) | Cross-cutting strategies - Patient and Family Advisor Programs (2/28/2018)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #35, page 18) - Patient and Family Engagement: Courting Patients and Families (5/24/2017)
Regional webinar by South Central HIINergy Partners
Webinar recording not available | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #12) - Kick-off of Kansas PFAC Collaborative (Cohort 3) (1/31/2017)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #4)
Pressure Injuries
- HAPI Update for Hospital-acquired Pressure Ulcers/Injuries (1/23/2019)
Including data, prevalence studies and best practices
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #10) | HAPI Resources - Preventing Hospital-acquired Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Building Skill and Will at the Bedside (4/25/2018)
Including data, prevalence studies and best practices
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #24) | Prevalence Study Audit Tool
Project Management
- Improve Anything in Six Meetings or Less
This session is for improvement leaders who are looking for an effective solution for improvement teams to implement change quickly. Stephanie Sobczak, MS, MBA, project manager of UW Health, Madison, Wisc., shares a structured approach which marries elements of project management along with established improvement methods.
Webinar recording (60 min.) | Presentation handout | Implementation Guide | Improve Anything templates
- Lung Cancer Screening (11/18/2020)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout
- Preparing for CMS Appropriate Use Criteria Program: The Basics and Beyond (8/26/2020)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout | ACR handout
- KHC Office Hours: Strategies for Effective Care Coordination (2/23/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) | Community Care Pathway Mapping Tool (xlsx) - Hospital Success Story: How Labette Health slashed readmissions by 43% since 2012 (1/22/2020)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #24) | Success story - Four Key Strategies for Reducing Avoidable Readmissions (8/28/2019)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #33) - Focus on Readmissions (8/23/2017)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #25)
September 27 — KHC Office Hours for HQIC Hospitals - Coding for Sepsis and Beyond
- KHC Office Hours: Sepsis — Reaching and Engaging Physicians, with Dr. Steven Simpson (6/22/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) | Webinar resource (pdf) - KHC Office Hours: Hospital sharing on improving sepsis bundle compliance (5/25/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) - Improving Care of the Sepsis Patient throughPatient and Family Engagement (4/27/2022)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) - Beyond the Sepsis Bundles (9/22/2021)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (pdf) - Best Practices in Sepsis and Hospital Success Story: Coffeyville Regional Medical Center (2/26/2020)
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #27) | Success story - Reducing Sepsis Readmissions (1/31/2018)
including overview of learnings from Sepsis SNAP: Sepsis Transfers from CAH to Tertiary hospitals
Featuring Wesley Medical Center and Ransom Memorial Hospital
Webinar recording | Webinar handout (topic begins slide #20) - SEPSIS: Nursing and Front-line Staff Empowerment for Early Identification and Prompt Treatment (11/15/2017)
Regional webinar by South Central HIINergy Partners
Webinar recording unavailable | Webinar handout
Workplace Violence
- KHA De-escalation Webinar Series (Part 1 of 3) (10/22/2019)
Sticks and Stones and Getting Along: Controlling Conflict with Communication
Webinar recording (87 min.) | Webinar handout - KHA De-escalation Webinar Series (Part 2 of 3) (11/12/2019)
All Patients Are Unique (Just Some More than Others)
Webinar recording (80 min.) | Webinar handout - KHA De-escalation Webinar Series (Part 1 of 3) (12/10/2019)
S E C U R I T Y: Who is Responsible? (Hint: It's Someone You Know)
Webinar recording (87 min.) | Webinar handout